Rev. David Wu 吳霆牧師6月预言 6/13/2020 Prophecy Of JUNE

Pray for America!  Time of Judgment is at hand!  Repent for their sickness and disloyalty before me, because they have betrayed their oath sworn before me. 为美国祈祷!审判的时刻到了!为他们在我面前的疾病和不忠而悔改,因为他们背叛了我面前的誓言。 

I have blessed this nation since she was born!  And I have nurture her since she was weaned!  But she forgets my love for her, and she choose to be like a wild boar before me!  自从她出生以来,我就祝福这个国家!自从她断奶以来,我一直在抚养她!但是她忘记了我对她的爱,她选择了在我面前像野猪一样! 

But I will raise up people who go after my heart!  And to rebuild the tabernacle of David in this nation!  I will bring her back and lift her up again, so that she can minister unto me says the Lord. 但是我会养育那些追求我的人!并在这个国家重建大卫的帐幕!我要把她带回来,再抬起她,使她可以侍奉我。 

The early immigrants came to U.S. were not seeking gold, but to seeking God.  And on the U.S. dollars it said “In God Whom We Trust”.  The Founding Fathers of this country had use Leviticus 25:10 “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants …” 早期来到美国的移民不是在寻求黄金,而是在寻求上帝。在美元上面写着“我们信任的上帝”。这个国家的开国元勋使用利未记25:10“在遍地给一切的居民宣告自由……”(第五十年,你们要承认圣年,在遍地给一切的居民宣告自由。这年必为你们的禧年,各人要归自己的产业,各归本家。) 

In June, I will begin to overturn that which is old.  I will change that which belong to Satan into my Kingdom!  I will reshape this nation (America) into my likeness. 在6月,我会开始推翻旧事。我将把属于撒但的东西转移到我的国度!我将把这个国家(美国)重塑成我的样子。 

I saw a huge hammer hit a bronze gate, and bronze gate after ponding were smashed open.  And many people came out from behind the gate and set free. The Lord showed me that there will be a revival coming to this country, because the Lord said, I have not forgotten this nation.  I build this nation for my glory! 我看到一个巨大的锤子敲击了一个青铜门,然后青铜门被砸开了。许多人从大门后面出来并获释。主告诉我,这个国家将会复兴,因为主说,我没有忘记这个国家。我为荣耀而建立这个国家! 

The Lord begin to show me a vision about Middle East, I saw Syria is in commotion.  And I saw smoke coming out there as there is a war raging on. 主开始向我展示关于中东的异象,我看到叙利亚处于动荡之中。而且我看到一场激烈的战争不断冒烟。 

And the Lord said Syria had attacked my people many times in the past, (they were in war since 1948.  Since the creation of both states in the mid-20th century. They fought in 1948 Arab Israeli war, the Six-Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement-in 1973.)  主说,叙利亚过去曾多次袭击过我的人民(自1948年以来就一直在战争中。自从两国在20世纪中叶建立以来。他们在1948年进行了阿拉伯以色列战争,1967年进行六日战争和1973年的赎罪日之战。) 

and when they attack Israel, they (Assyrian-亚述) were cruel to Israel. Pray and repent on their behalf, so that my mercy will be on them and heal the land.  And I will toss away the weapons, so that the land can be restored. 当他们袭击以色列时,他们(Assyrian-亚述)对以色列残酷无情替他们祷告并悔改,使我的怜悯降在他们身上,并治愈这片土地。我将扔掉武器,以便恢复地土。

Rev. David Wu 吳霆牧師5月预言 5/30/2020 Prophecy Of May

主说:‘这是争战的日子“。我看见神把他的火把丢在地上,遍地都开始燃烧起来。但是我也看到仇敌在地上好像也处处想扑灭那个火。但是他越扑,那个火就越多,越扑,那个火就越多。到时候连仇敌身上都着了火。他们就开始跑,往后退。他们就说:“哎呀,怎么办?怎么办?我们的,我们的时候已经到了。我们的时候,好像要灭亡的时候已经到了。全地都必归向主。“但是我看到撒但仇敌还在那里嘻嘻的,在那里哈哈大笑。说:“我的日子还没有到。我的日子还没有到。我要在这个地上做主做王,做主做王。你们要一同与我来管理这个地上。” 但是主在天上就在嗤笑说:“ 在这个地上,我容许你做王的时候只有那一段时间。我的荣耀,我的权柄,全地都是属于我的。这个天地宇宙是我所造的。哈利路亚!感谢主!赞美主!

我看见主就在天上来向地上吹气。向地上吹气。又好像秋天扫落地一样。我看到有很多的树上叶子,有个枯的,就被吹掉,有个枯的,就被吹掉。地上有很多的落叶也被吹掉。我就问主说:“主啊,这是什么意思?” 主说:“孩子,我要来做洁净的地方。我要在这个地方做洁净。那些枯萎的,那些不合格的,那些贪恋世界的,我要像风一样把他们吹开来。好像就是一个审判的日子会来到。一些不合格的就被吹开来,被吹开来。但是主说:”孩子们,你们要谨记我的话在你的心中。因为时候将到,我要向你们说话。我要向多国多民说话。我必要在各地兴起我的代祷团队。将我的火把射在这个地上。将我的光照在这个天地宇宙万物之间。因为我是天地宇宙万物的主宰,我要照亮一切还没被照亮的地方。凡不接受我的光的,我的杖,我的剑必临到他们。我也必以我口中的话,使审判要临到他们。但是在我的里面的,我的爱必要与你们长存。哈利路亚!感谢主!赞美主!

Rev. David Wu 吳霆牧師5月预言 5/21/2020 Prophecy Of May

The Lord said I will give you wisdom and strategy how to utilize this new heaven and earth. And then I heard “land, land!”, I will give land to you to develop, and buying food, storing up for the famine that is coming. And I will bring the people to you, so that you can raise them up and provide for them. 主说:我将给您智慧和策略,如何利用这新天新地。然后我听到“土地,土地!”,我将土地交给您发展,并购买食物,为即将来临的饥荒储存。我将把人们带到您那里,以便您可以抚养他们并提供他们。

Beginning of next year 2021, there will be greater warfare yet to come!  The whole world will be in chaos, and people are so frightened, and they don’t know what to do!  As if the hope of living will be taken away from them!  And the fear of the Lord will fill the earth!  But be strong and courageous my son, I will tell you what to do and how to do.  So that you can help and rescue many. 从明年2021年开始,将有更大的战争来临!整个世界将陷入混乱,人们如此恐惧,他们不知道该怎么办!仿佛他们生活的希望将被夺走!对主的敬畏必充满大地!但是我的儿子要刚强壮胆,我会告诉你该做什么和该怎么做。这样您就可以帮助和营救许多人。

I saw the Lord opened another map, and the lord is pointing out the map and told me “New wealth distribution for many people”.  Because this has to do with  the kingdom of God on earth!  I saw many fortresses are being built on earth.  These fortresses look like an ancient frontier strong holds, they are surrounded by a lot of huge tree trunks.  And I know it looks like a temporary base for many people as a shelter.  我看到主打开了另一张地图,而主正在指出地图,并告诉我“为许多人分配新财富”。因为这与地上的神的国度有关!我看到许多堡垒都建在地球上。这些堡垒看起来像一个古老的边境要塞,周围环绕着许多巨大的树干。我知道这看起来像是许多人的临时庇护所。  

And the Lord said, these will be the “cities of refuge for the end-time”.  There, people shall worship me, and my canopy shall cover them. 主说:这些将是“末日的避难之城”。在那里,人们将崇拜我,我的天篷将覆盖他们。

The Lord said, He will open up more knowledge and understanding for the Kingdom of God at the end time.  So that people will have understanding the purpose of my salvation.  And to know the seasons and timings on earth. 主说:他将在末时为神的国度打开更多的知识和理解。这样人们就会了解我救恩的目的。并了解地上的季节和时间。 

Rev. David Wu 吳霆牧師5月预言 5/14/2020 Prophecy Of May

在这末后的时间,主说;“孩子不要东张西望,因为我来的日子已经近了,你听这个紧锣密鼓的声音,你听见天上号角的声音。你看见这些事情在地上反复的样子,好像天崩地裂一样。” 但是主说:“孩子这只不过是一个启示,一个征兆,说我来的日子近了。” 我看见当神的国来进入到我们这个世界里面来的时候,就会有很大的激动。

我觉得撒但在那里全面全面的拼命的抵抗,说;“这是我的时间,这是我的时间,这是我的时候,我要在地上做主做王。”但是神说:“你做主做王的时间只有我允许你的时间你才可能会有。否则你就没有做主做王的时间。“ ‘我觉得神说:”孩子我要将这个地的罪一切都要洗净,要洗洁净,因为我来的日子近了,全地都要分别为圣归在我的名下。



Prophecy of May 2020



A new chapter will be dawn on many this May!  A new threshold will forceful people crossing over.  The Lord showed me that River of Jordan lie ahead of us, and only the forceful ones will cross over.  新的一個篇章在將在5月登場!哦。主讓我看見約旦河就在我們的面前,唯有那些有努力前進的人才會越過。

Many had found themselves facing a new kind of warfare that they never had before!  In this warfare, the enemies are hitting every sector of Saints’ lives.  These symptoms include physical pain, pain as backache, heartache, or hard to breath (choking feelings), etc.  Or our loved ones will erupt with temper, frustration, depression, and rebellion toward authorities.  很多人發現他們正在面對一場新的屬靈爭戰!在這場戰爭,仇敵攻擊聖徒生命中的每一個層面。這些症狀包含:實體的疼痛,腰痛,心痛,或是喘氣等等。或是我們所愛的家人或弟兄姐妹會有困惑,憂鬱,和對有權柄的人反抗。 

Last month in April, a prophet was lifted up to heaven, and he received from the Lord the authority over Jezebel.  There was a great jubilation in heaven, because the Jezebel spirit has been persecuting the prophetic people on earth.  By taking down the Jezebel spirit, the earth now has the authority to intercept and destroy the work of Jezebel. 上個月,有一位先知被提到天堂,他從神領受敵擋耶洗別的權柄。在天上有極大歡呼的聲音,因為耶洗別的靈在逼迫世上先知性的人。當耶洗別的靈被拉下的时候,這個世界就有了權柄去攔阻以及拆毀耶洗別的工作。 

This month in May, the head of Jezebel is leading a hellish army assault the earth!  This is counter-attack!  And the targets are Prophets and Intercessors, because these are the mighty warriors of the Lord fighting for the Kingdom of God.  Because in spiritual warfare, these people are the for-runners in the Kingdom of God.  And the enemies are trying very hard to slow them down.  One may wonder if the Lord has caused His prophet overcoming the Jezebel, why the counter-attack? 在這個5月裡,耶洗別的首領帶著地獄般的軍隊攻擊地上。這是反撲的攻擊。牠們攻擊的目標就是先知與代禱者們,因為他們是神強大的勇士們,為主在地上打仗。因為在屬靈爭戰中,這些人是先鋒。這群仇敵積極設法攔阻他們來缓慢他们的腳步。我們會想,既然神賜下權柄推翻耶洗別,為何會有反撲呢? 

Well, this can be explained perfectly by the World War II.  After the Allies had Landed on Normandy in France in 1944, they knew they had won the war.  Because the enemies has collapsed, and begin to retreat back to Germany.  But the victory day on May 1945 was a year later!  Just like Jesus won the war with Satan when He died on the cross, through death He devours death. But there is still warfare going on earth.  Even through battles still continue between good and evil, but the war has already won. 我們可以引用第二次世界大戰的事件來完美的解釋。當盟國的軍隊在1944年登入諾曼地時,他們知道他們已經贏了那場戰爭。但是勝利是1945年的5月才得到!如同耶穌死在十字架上而贏得對撒旦的勝利,透過死亡祂敗壞了撐死權的。但是在世上,爭戰還沒結束。雖然這場戰爭持續的在發生在善惡之間,這場戰的终结早已經勝利了。 

Remember the era of Jezebel!  There was Elijah!  Even though Elijah run away from Jezebel, but Elijah had prophesied about the her death.    And whenever there is rising glory of the God, there is opposition from the enemies.  Because Satan is the one who opposes God!  But this time, the Lord had caused Prophets overcoming Jezebel. 記得耶洗別在世上的日子。當時有以利亞!雖然以利亞從耶洗別的面前逃跑,但他已經預言到她的死。當神的榮耀被提升,眾仇敵的反抗也會提升。因為撒旦一直在跟神敵對!但是這一次,主要讓先知們克服耶洗別。 

In the midst of this assault, the Lord is saying that it is time for promotion!  Those who overcome will receive promotion and authorities over which they overcame.  The Lord said, I am sharpening my sword on their (Intercessors and Prophets) tongues!  And a new level of prophetic unction will be given to my people, and new level of faith I will release to my warriors.  We will see the Lord is raising up might men and women who will walk with greater anointing and authorities.  So that they will push the enemies back!  Greater warfare will bring greater glory for many!  Take heart, do not withdraw says the Lord!  And I will cloth my Spirit upon these warriors! 在這場攻擊中,主說:被提升的時刻已經臨到!那些得勝的將領受提升以及新的權柄來越過他們的仇敵。主說:我在鋒利我的劍在他們(代禱者們與先知們)的舌頭上!一個先知性的提升將賜給我的子民,新的層面賜給我的勇士們。我們將看見主的使徒與使女們行走在更大的恩膏與權柄中。好讓他們推仇敵們退後!更大的屬靈爭戰帶下更大的榮耀給他們!保守你的心,不要退怯,這是神所說的!我會披上我的靈在這群勇士們的身上!

A new level of healing anointing will cover the earth!  This is also the result of overcoming Jezebel, because the Lord is moving and reducing the power of the dark side.  The Lord said that many were yarning for healings and deliverance in the past, but didn’t get a break through.  But now, the outpouring is coming to set my people free.  It was like in the Exodus, God spoke to Pharaoh through Moses “Let my people go!”.  The bondage has to be broken in order for us to move forward! 一個新的恩膏與醫治將遮蓋在地上!這是因著推翻了耶洗別的後果,因為主在運行,減輕黑暗權勢的力量。主說:很多人渴望從他們過去的疾病與綑綁中得釋放,但是他們並沒有得到突破。但是現在,恩雨將被賜下來釋放我的百姓。如同在出埃及記,神透過摩西跟法老說:容我的百姓去!綑綁必須被破除,好讓我們能往前。

I heard the Lord is saying “Bear fruit! Bear fruit!”.  This is the season that the Lord demands “Fruit of the Spirit” be manifested through His people, that the world shall witness the glory of the Lord.  I will cleanse my Bride says the Lord!  Because I am a Holy God!  And I will give you the desire to walk in my holiness.  This is the time of reexamine ourselves of our inner-motives of serving the Lord!  Are we truly serving Him for His will be done or a mixed motives of self-aggrandizing?  Are we truly love the Lord and our sisters and brothers?  Or we are just put on a mask and hide our true identity behind the mask?  In order to advance ourselves in His Kingdom, we really truly have to embrace 1st Corinthian 13. 我聽見神說:要結果子!要結果子!這個季節,神命令我們要結聖靈的果子,透過祂的百姓來彰顯,讓這個世界見證祂的榮耀。主說:我要煉淨我的新婦!因為我是聖潔的神!我會賜下行在我的聖潔中的渴慕。此時此刻要重新審查我們內心最深的動機來事奉神!我們是否真誠的因著祂的旨意在事奉祂,還是藉這他的恩賜来提升我们自已的知名度?我們是否真誠的愛神和我們的弟兄姊妹們?或是我們只是帶著面具,隱藏著我們真實的目地在面具的後面?如果我們真的要往前,我們必須誠實的擁抱林前13章。

Rev. David Wu

吳霆牧師 5/7/2020

Prophecy of April 2020


The Lord is releasing the anointing of healing and deliverance for hard to heal bondages, such as people who have Jezebel spirit.  主要赐下醫治和釋放的恩膏來破除難以勝過的轄制,例如那些被耶洗別的靈所轄制的人。

Especially those who have Jezebel spirit are those who are fervently serving the Lord.  And you may wondering why those who have such spirit can serve in the house of the Lord?  One can check out some of the books in Christian book stores, such as “The Veiled Ploy: Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit in the Church Today” by John Paul Jackson. 那些被耶洗別的靈所轄制的人也有常是熱心在服事神的人。你或許會想為什麼那些熱心在神的家中服事神的人有這種轄制?你可以參考一些書在基督教的書店「隱瞞的策略:掀開在今日教會中的耶洗別的靈」」保羅·捷克森。或“當路西弗與耶洗別造訪你的教會”

This is the time of Luke 1:17, that the Lord is raising up Elijah’s ministry in the end-time.  “And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous--to make ready a people prepared for the Lord”.  We will see men and women will rise up with such authorities given by God to begin tearing down the spirit of Jezebel. 此刻是路加1:17的季節,主正在興起以利亞的事工在末後的日子。「他必有以利亞的心志能力,行在主的前面,叫為父的心轉向兒女,叫悖逆的人轉從義人的智慧,又為主預備合用的百姓。」我們會看見許多被神興起的弟兄姐妹們會帶著神所賜的權柄開始去破除耶洗別的靈。

This is begin to happen right now, and this is only a sign and season that the Lord is releasing on earth.  And this wind of the Spirit will eventually  bring forth the deliverance of territorial revival!  And this Apostle/Prophet or a group of Prophets/Intercessors will set the precursor of the global revival.  Because the world is under the siege of the spirit of Jezebel, and it is trying to make everything that is godly to be frustrated.  And those who overcome the spirit of Jezebel will have the authorities over the spirit of Jezebel(Revelation 2:26-28), and pull her down from her throne.  When this phenomenon begin to take place, we will see all things begin to revive!  Especially for the believers and those who are doing the things that are align with heavenly agenda will see the harvest of their labor.  This includes ministries; businesses; relationships; faith; healings and deliverance and etc.  The five folds ministries will come forth. 現在已經開始了,就在四月份,這些現象與季節就代表主開始在釋放下耒。神的靈這一波的風最終會帶下全球地區性的復興!這個使徒/先知或是一群的先知/代禱者將會是全球復興的先锋者。因為這個世界是被耶洗別的靈所轄制,牠一直試圖要讓一切属於神的工作受挫折。這些人所作的工作未必是大型的醫治佈道工作,乃是關在嚴密的房間內禱告所成就的。他們也未必世人所熟知有名的講員,但是他們是神所揀選特殊的器皿,就是那些克服了耶洗別的靈的人會有權柄來對付牠(啟2:26-28),然後把她從她的宝座上拉下來。當這件事開始,我們會看見所有的事開始要復興!特別是為了這些信徒, 因為他们與天上指定的工作有關,他們將會看見他們勞苦工作的收割。這些包含事工;商業;關係;信仰;醫治與釋放,財務等等。五重職份也將被興起。

Even though we are at the end-time, the catastrophe are taking place.  But those who walk in the Lord with faith and purity in their hearts will go from faith to faith, glory to glory.  I just want to encourage all of us to cleanse ourselves and cling on to the Lord like you never have before. 雖然我們正在末世的時刻,災難已經開始。至於那些以信心和有清心與神同行的人。會從信心到信心,荣耀到荣耀。我要鼓勵大家要潔淨自己,之前沒有好好緊緊抓住主的,要快。

Because we are going back to heaven not earth!  Earth is just a transition for something that is much glorious beyond our immigration. 因為我們要回到天堂不是地上!地上只是一個轉折時期。是為了去一個更榮耀的家,遠超過於我們的想像力。

Reverend David Wu

吳霆牧師 4/19/2020